You call it a blog.
I call it a journal.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


perfect group.
perfect date.
perfect dance.

day date: i'm an idiot and took no pictures whatsoever. but it was definitely unforgettable. and quite dangerous. we took a trip to the Jr. high and tried some archery. here i am, thinking i'm a regular Katniss in the making, but... its harder than it seems. frustrating as it was, i finally got some bullseyes (woot woot) and Brayd and I held our own in the couples tournament. (2nd or 3rd place i might add.)

the dance: i am definitely  not a dancer (ask anyone. anyone!) but who needs to be when you're in a group of weirdos like i was?! Story short: the dance rocked and we had a great time.

Goup consisting of: Libby&Drew, Tyler&Melanie, Logan&Emily, and Brayden&Morgan

 The girlies
 the men
and a little pre-dinner fishing, of course.

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