You call it a blog.
I call it a journal.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My ward > your ward

So we do fun things like have a rotten tomato fight/war in our stake president's orchard.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Being a senior

Dear journal.

I'm terrible at journaling, I know. Forgive me.
I can honestly say that after 2 years of loathing school with a passion, this year has not been that bad. *crosses fingers* Being a senior suits me well, I think. Just being so close to being done, knowing your true friends by now, contracting severe senioritis, and losing interest in all school work, makes me a happy person.
I've also decided to try and be a bit more social. My last two years I was a certified hermit, and although I loved it, it made high school harder to deal with.
I love not caring. It's such a breath of fresh air to not be stressed every second about grades, what's due, or getting to class on time.
We're still far from mature, but it's still hard to believe we were once sophomores. A chilling thought.
Growing up is hard, but being grown is an accomplishment.
Enjoy the journey.

Oh and I love skipping with this girl.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lesbi honest.. it was a fun night.

My new favorite thing since last year is haunted houses. I love them.
I love being freaked out.. When it's fake. And I'm good at it. I get really scared... really really scared.
And these 3 can attest.
But this night was a complete blast. And the ride there and back?..
Icing on the cake.
And a night with these freaks is not complete without 30 tacos..
let it be known that i was not aware that we were supposed to be smiling.