Its probably not okay
how many times i've read these books.
or how well i know each character.
or how i wish with every fiber of my being that this world exists.
or that i may still recieve my acceptance letter.
Its probably not okay
That i know all there is to know concerning this unforgetable world.
or that it is my happy place.
or that i took each step with every character, and lived their lives with them.
or that i cry when i come back to reality.
but then i think....
Maybe its okay
That i have such a wonderful imagination.
or that Harry just makes me happy.
That i love and admire J.K. for giving me such an incredible childhood.
That i have an escape from a stressful reality.
Maybe its okay
That i secretly... no, openly, hope for a wand.
that i declare my love for these books from the rooftops.
or that i may fall quite in love with a character, then cry my heart out when he dies.
or that this story lives on in my heart, even if not on the page.
or that Hogwarts is real in my mind.
Maybe its okay, that i <3 HarryPotter.

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